Replacement Dwelling to PassivHaus Standard

Exciting start to the year with a recently submitted planning application for a replacement dwelling in Wychavon.

The new home has been designed to meet PassivHaus standard, requiring minimal energy for space and hot water heating which will be provided by on site renewable sources.

The sloping site provided opportunities to locate the main living space to the upper ground floor, providing longer views to the adjacent parkland. This space opens out to the rear garden level and also onto a green terrace above the bedrooms.

Grey linear bricks form the lower ground facade, anchoring the building to the landscape, with the upper ground floor sitting delicately above and to one side. In order to achieve a fully integrated design, an experienced Landscape Architect was appointed at the earliest stage, resulting in a very exciting and considered private amenity space.

Contract Value: £TBA
Status: Planning Approved Q1 2020